
Here is a brief video of my work, it should provide a better insight of some of the games described in other pages here. The video can be found here. Discaimer: my video editing skills are non-existant, please enjoy the content and not the way it is presented.

The AI in Antebellum

  Having its own post might be excessive, however this AI is easily the most complicated system I have ever developed and I am very proud of it. The AI is a single script, which is combined with another one applied to a trigger that is childed in front of the AI agent, to simulate... Continue Reading →


Main features: First person infiltration game Multiple ways to reach each objective Different gadgets with multiple uses Antebellum is a group game I have worked on during my last year of University. It's a first person game where the player needs to infiltrate a mansion and steal a diamond while using the different gadgets he... Continue Reading →

WaterDeep Adventure

Main features: Third person adventure game Multiple possible paths to reach the final goal Different faction (City Guard and Thieves Guild) A wide city to explore WaterDeep Adventure is a game developed during the second year in University. The brief was to create a game based on one of multiple short stories taken from "Tales... Continue Reading →

Galactic Survival

A copy of the old Space Invaders with different graphics and slightly modified mechanics. This 2D game has been built in Unity. The player can move his ship both horizontally and vertically and needs to avoid the enemy's bullets that they will be shooting randomly. The main features of the game are: Colorful sprites Enemies... Continue Reading →

Capsule Quest

Capsule Quest is a small 3D game built in Unity. It's nothing special by itself, but it contains a good amount of different mechanics that make it good as a display of overall knowledge of the engine and C#. The game main features are: On-trigger animation of different objects. Nav Agents following two different behaviour:... Continue Reading →

Moongan Rescue

This Star Wars-inspired game was done during the Level Design module. We had to pick a building style and create a level around it: my choice was something close to the Jedi Temple, narrow corridors with big rooms all organized on multiple levels.   Main features of this game are: Build in unity. Room models... Continue Reading →

3D Studio models

My best work so far, despite 3D modelling won't be my carrier choice, having a basic knowledge and ability to create shapes and applying UV maps to them is important since it increase the overall utility I can provide in a team. This is the untextured UV Maps This is with the textures The complete... Continue Reading →

Super Mario Bros. WITH GUNS

This was the very first decent game I have done with Unity. It's the first four levels of the classic Nintendo's game but Mario is able to shoot bullets. The main features of this game are: great similarity with the original game. hitboxes and collisions: both Mario and the enemies have multiple hitbox communicating with... Continue Reading →

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